vivionm last won the day on 16 August 2020
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- Birthday 03/01/1947
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Vivion Mulcahy
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Politics; social policy; aircraft with propellors; good food; good wine; history; cars fast and slow; cycling, photography
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Oh good grief!
Just now finished my breakfast of scrambled farm eggs on brown toast, with strong coffee. Wonderful! The secret of good scrambled eggs is to use an iron pan and remove from the heat for the final couple of minutes of cooking. Shoulda photo'd it, but I was too hungry!
I'm with you on the pancetta, but Chestnut Maran eggs, or any other brown eggs, taste the same as white eggs.
No, I can't get BBC TV here, except for BBC World and BBC Prime.
The fried egg on toast is good, but the poached egg on toast can't be beat. A little black pepper on top, a cup of good coffee and you're set up for the day.
Mike, sorry to hear that, but it was not unexpected. Two holidays I had planned ( for April and July) have been cancelled. With regard to next year, a lot will depend on whether an effective vaccine is available by then. The chances of that are about 50/50.