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atpaula last won the day on 2 January

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1,658 of my posts have been liked


About atpaula

  • Birthday 28/05/1962

Profile Information

  • My Real Name
    Aguinaldo Tinoco de Paula
  • Gender
  • Photographic Interests
    Motorbikes, travelling and photography.
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  • My Favourite Camera
  • My Favourite Lens
    Nikon 58mm f/0.95S Noct
  • My Favourite Image Editor
  • My Location
    Macae - Rio de Janeiro
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  1. Now it opened and loaded quickly.
  2. Thank you for that Dallas. Unfortunatelly I'll only be able to test it in 3 weeks. I'll be working offshore during this period and the internet there does not allow sharing pics.
  3. I wish you all good health and happiness! And many good pictures for the coming year!
  4. I'm an annual subscriber now. Thanks for the effort of making a nice and friendly website.
  5. Yesterday night I could not access it. An error message appeared.
  6. I want a place where I can post my pics and see good pics from the community and read reviews of the latest equipment. I understand that many people prefer photographic equipment over the pics. I witnessed it at last year's Photokina. Few people looking at wonderful pics at the the various galleries and the cameras makers stands crowded. I love equipment too, but they don't mean anything if I can not make good images with it. You can picture in your mind the several 85 yo rich men that are proud of their Ferraris parked in their garage but don't know the pleasure to drive it at 200km/h in a curve. (I don't know that either, but I'm not 85 not rich nor have a Ferrari. lol). Similar to many photographic equipment owners.
  7. I have a special craving for these lenses, especially the older one, the f/3.5. I compared an old f/3.5 non Ai, a f/2.8 Ais and the latest AF f/2.8D. I just wanted to know which one is the sharpest at center and border to decide once and for all which one will remain in my bag. I used a Nikon Df on a tripod, with Aperture Priority. This is far from a complete and scientific test. First batch are pictures of a map in my wall, with the camera placed 1m away from it, so focus may not be perfect. 100% crops from the center and upper left side, lens wide open and two other apertures (f/5.6 and f/8). Second batch are from my window, lens at infinity and 100% crops from center and border (close). Only at f/5.6. They are all in this sequence (older at the top, newer at bottom). 1- NIKKOR 16mm f/3.5 non AI 2- NIKKOR 16mm f/2.8 Ais 3- AF NIKKOR 16mm f/2.8D WIDE OPEN @f/5.6 @f/8 FOCUS AT INFINITY AND @ f/5.6
  8. atpaula


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