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Nikkor 500mm f/5.6 Pf Sunset
Taken today.
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My Lover's Garden
About 6 years ago I planted about 20 different fruit trees at home and I am starting a series of images showing the different harvests.
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Bridge on the Belmont Rivulet.
Keeping to the new normal (i.e. staying close to home) and carrying my Thornton Pickard half-plate camera and a dark slide loaded with 15 year-old (at least) Ilford Multigrade fibre paper for negative material...
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Icefields Parkway, Alberta.
More quarentine work.
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Flower Macro with the Z 6...
and the 105mm f/2.8 Micro lens...
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Tasmanian Wedge-Tailed Eagles
Not remarkable photography by any means (X-T2 + 100-400/4.5-5.6 @ 400mm + 1.4x TC, around 1/125-250 sec @ 800 ISO, OIS, hand-held - kinda pushing the envelope for the little beast here), but when I spotted this group in a dead tree in the paddock behind my back gate I had to grab what I could and photograph them.
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First flowers
Despite the quarantine measures on nature, you can even go out! For immunity, there is nothing ray of sunshine, fresh air and distributed physical exertion.
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Manhattan skyline
More work from the quarentine.
All taken with the Noct 58mm f/0.95.
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Looking Back
I began my career in photography back in 2008 and I still have many of the shots taken from my earliest commissions. I'll share some of those with you here.
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The Face in the Tree
A few weeks back I 'enjoyed' a field trip with the RPS to the Open University campus in Milton Keynes. I say enjoy because storm Dennis was raging at the time and I did get very wet and battered. It was nevertheless very interesting though not as productive as hoped.
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Everest Base Camp trek
Using the quarentine to process some pictures from my archives that were left aside.
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Gear Cabinet Project
I love modular things, which might explain why the SLR camera system became so attractive to me exactly 20 years ago.
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Some Snowy Owls
I spend the turn of the years 19/20 in Casselman, Ontario to photograph Snowy Owls which are amongst my favourite birds.
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Rio de Janeiro Tomorrow Museum
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Borobudur Indonesia
In 2009 my wife and I visited family of my wife on Java, Indonesia. We toured this fascinating island and of course also went to see the famous Buddhist temple Borobudur (built 9th century).
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17.5 Square Meters
Originally this was the dining room of our rented house when we moved here in 2008. At that time I had set up my office-come-studio in the most eastern part of the house, which with two big windows facing east and north is the sunniest room in the house. It was in that space that I began my unintended career as a website developer and photographer.
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Motorcycle Expo
A series of images from a motorcycle expo I visited last Friday.
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B&W Plants
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Best Micro Four Thirds Wedding Kit
In this new series of articles I am going to take you through the kit I would select from what’s available in the MFT system right now and explain why I would buy that particular item for a specific genre of photography. In this first segment I will be looking at the field of wedding and event photography.
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Micro Four Thirds, The System That Sticks
I recently went through a period of gear FOMO brought about by discussions that were taking place on a couple of real estate photography groups that are dominated by Canon and Sony users.
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Nikkor Noct f/0.95 x Nikkor Noct f/1.2 pictures
I used two Z6 bodies with the same settings (Auto aperture and auto ISO).
No tripod.
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A short expedition with the village of Barabanovo.
In general, I have long wanted to look at such a rarity in our region as a wooden temple. And then Sergey Medvedev suggested going somewhere, breathing air, and even so, would scatter. And why not in Drum? 
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Cape Town Is Different
Cape Town is different. While it sits at the toe of the African continent, visitors to this city might be forgiven for thinking that they have arrived somewhere else entirely.
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Looking Ahead To 2020
For me 2019 was a year with a lot of highs and a few lows. The highs outweighed the lows so I have no complaints.
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Another view of my city.
The city is being intensively updated. Not everything flies at once, not everything goes smoothly. But locations with harmonious architectural solutions are already steadily appearing.
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