The Salton Sea, in southeastern California. This spot has some of the best sunsets in Cali due to the salt coming off the lake. It creates a moody feeling (the HDR doesn't hurt either).
I watched this film this afternoon. Prior to reading about the production thereof I had never heard of Lee Miller, the model turned photographer, turned war correspondent. Naturally as a photographer I began looking into the work she did and was surprised to find some truly interesting images.
I won't go into too much detail in this post, but trust me when I say that if you want to be fast and effective in this property photography business you will want to invest in a good mirrorless camera.
There is an old saying that you can be a "Jack of all trades and a master of none". This rings particularly true in the world of professional photography which has so many different facets to it that calling oneself a "professional photographer" is about as generic a term as you can get.
While years ago I sold my copy of the first Hasselblad mirrorless camera, of late I have bought the Hasselblad X2D and love it and its lenses for closeup photography.